Adult Education

The primary venue for adult education is the Adult Forum. The Adult Forum is held online on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm. Click here to be part of the discussion of a host of topics through the year and occasional book studies.
Midweek offerings are held occasionally throughout the year. An interfaith study is jointly offered by Christian and Jewish communities of faith in Stamford during January and February on various biblical topics and class location rotate between churches and synagogues. In addition, devotional resources can be accessed under the Spiritual Resources page of this website.
An online, weekly Bible study called “Sneak Peek” is held on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. Open to members and friends of St. John’s, we explore the Scripture lessons for the upcoming Sunday. You’ll listen to the reading of the Word and hear the sermon on Sunday mornings in a new way. Get out your Bible and click here to join the discussion.
During January and February, the annual Winter Theology Study is offered by the interfaith community of Stamford. Over the course of four consecutive weeks, a selected topic or biblical book is studied. The study for 2022 begins on January 20, 7:00 pm, and we will study the biblical book “Jonah” from the perspective of varied faith traditions. To register, contact the church office at 203-322-0066 (no cost).