Share Your Musical Gifts

St. John’s Lutheran Church has a diverse selection of musical ensembles for all ages and levels of musical ability. Cantor, Nathan Lively, is happy to speak with anyone interested in joining any of the musical offerings at St. John’s. Please contact him at [email protected] or 203-322-0066, Ext. 118 for further information.
The St. John’s Choir of adults and high school age students sings for the 10:30 am worship service each Sunday from Rally Day until Pentecost. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7pm in the Luther Hall. The ability to read music is not a requirement, but strong sight-reading skills are encouraged. A willingness to learn and develop new skills with the other members of the choir is needed.
The Summer Choir is a new offering at St. John’s. This choir sings after Pentecost Sunday through Labor Day. It meets each Sunday for a rehearsal at 9:00 am in the Nave and sings in the service that follows. This is the perfect ensemble for anyone who enjoys singing but hasn’t ever sung in a choir before. The music is always easy and the rehearsal commitment is light. If you are looking for a fun and easy way to get involved in music at St. John’s, join the Summer Choir for our next rehearsal and service!
The Choristers are children and youth in grades 2-8. St. John’s uses the curriculum provided by the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM). The children are taught music notation, theory, and sight-singing. The choristers earn colored ribbons upon completion of each corresponding workbook. They meet in the choir room each Wednesday at 6pm and sing at least two Sundays a month, Christmas Eve, Holy Week, Easter, and Evensongs. This is a fun, education opportunity that teaches discipline, responsibility, social skills, and how to have fun.
The Handbell Choir is a newly organized group of ringers of various backgrounds and musical abilities. Basic music knowledge is appreciated, but most certainly not required. Rehearsals are each Thursday at 7pm in Luther Hall. Rehearsal commitment is a must, but the group only rings in worship approximately once a month
Instrumentalists – People of all ages who play musical instruments can participate either as soloists or in ensembles throughout the year. Please contact Nathan if you would like to participate in worship.