Missionary Sponsorship

St. John’s Lutheran Church is blessed to sponsor Rev. Carrie Ballenger, missionary pastor serving the English-speaking congregation of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem’s Old City (there are also Arabic, Danish, and German speaking Lutheran congregations).
Pastor Ballenger serves a diverse congregation with a variety of expressions of Christian faith. Within the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer St. John’s Chapel, the worship space of the congregation. Worship is at 9 am each Sunday in the St. John’s Chapel. The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer’s tall bell tower is a landmark in the Old City and is located only 165 feet from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the traditional site of Jesus’ burial. See the bottom of the page for a Rick Steeves video about the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

While St. John’s Lutheran provides financial support, it is the relationship with Pastor Ballenger and the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer that is crucial. We have the opportunity to learn the vital work of the Lutheran churches of the ELCJHL as they do ministry in occupied Palestine. Skype, joint projects, Bible studies, possible future travel to the Holy Land, and mutual sharing provides the grounding for this special missionary relationship.
Join the Facebook page of the English-speaking congregation of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer that Pastor Ballenger serves. You can also read her blog here.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has a strong relationship with the ELCJHL and is engaged in promoting peace and justice in Palestine and Israel. Read about “Peace Not Walls.”