Visitor Info
Helpful information if you are a visitor or new to St. John’s Lutheran.

We are currently holding a combination of modified in person activities and online activities, due to the improving pandemic conditions. See our Online Activities page. The descriptions below reflect what we did before the pandemic.
What are the services like?
The 10:30 am Sunday service during the school year is held in the main sanctuary. It is a full liturgical service with our magnificent organ and St. John’s Choir providing leadership. Children’s Messages and offering time for kids are included, as are choir and instrumental anthems.
During the summer months, from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, we hold a single service at 9:30 am in the main sanctuary. The sanctuary is air conditioned for comfort during the hot and humid summer months. Typically, the last Sunday of June, July and August, we hold worship outdoors in what we call “Mass on the Grass.” The last Sunday in July is often “Blessing of the Animals” where worshipers bring their pets for a blessing at the end of worship. The last Sunday in August is “Blessing of the Backpacks” where children bring their school backpacks for a blessing as they start another school year.
You can expect to sing songs of the faith, pray, hear a message from the pastor, activity that includes children, and receive Holy Communion if you wish. At worship, you can participate fully or “fly under the radar;” whatever you are comfortable with. It is our hope that when we experience God’s grace in Word and Sacrament, all who gather will be blessed by God’s love in Jesus.
We are a member of the ELCA (see video below).

How should I dress?
We are a “come as you are” church. Jeans or suits are equally welcome.
How long are the services?
The 8:30 am Sunday service during the school year is 40 to 45 minutes; the 10:30 am Sunday service is an hour. Summer services at 9:30 am are one hour in length.
What about children?
We are pleased to have the extra noise and commotion of little ones! The 10:30 am service has a Children’s Message that is designed just for kids. “Busy Bags” are available at the entry way to the church – feel free to help yourself. If you need a break from worship, there is a room in the entrance to the church where you can bring your child. Children who are not of communion age are encouraged to come forward with caregivers for a blessing at the time of bread and wine distribution. Sunday School for children happens at 9:20 am during the school year.
How can I get to know others?
Following the 10:30 am service during the school year and after the summer 9:30 am service, a fellowship time is held, and food and beverages are served. Be sure to remain for this time of hospitality. Please sign the guest book in the back of the chapel or sanctuary, so that we can properly greet you and have record of your time at St. John’s. Others will introduce themselves to you, and you should feel free to introduce yourself to those present.
What if I am interested in joining St. John’s as a member?
Just let us know of your interest ([email protected]). You will be invited to a one-session orientation and include you in a formal rite at Sunday worship, wherein you are received as a member of St. John’s. Come and be part of the ministry and mission we carry out in the name of Jesus Christ!
If I have questions?
Call (203) 322-0066 or email [email protected]. We will answer questions and provide you with the information you seek. You can peruse this website for information, and you can visit the Facebook page of St. John’s for pictures and information.